Dr. Clark Liver Flush Package
Maintain healthy liver function
- (1) Bottle Epsom Salt capsules 60 caps
- (1) Bottle Ornithine capsules 100 caps
- (1) 2oz. Green Black Walnut Hull Extract
Maintain healthy liver function: Dr. Hulda Clark considered flushing the liver to be the single most powerful and simple procedure one can do.
As your primary detoxification organ, the liver is impressive, processing three pints of blood per minute. When examined under a microscope, rows of cells can be seen separated by spaces which act like a sieve or filter, through which the blood flows. This filter is designed to remove toxic matter such as dead cells, chemicals, microorganisms, drugs, and particulate debris from the bloodstream. The filter can become “clogged”, making it difficult for the liver to send out clean, energizing blood to other vital organs such as the brain, heart and kidneys.
What you need for the flush:
1 Liver Flush Package
1/2 cup olive oil (high quality)
1 large, fresh pink grapefruit (2/3 cup juice)
The idea behind a flush is literally to “flush out the filter” by stimulating massive bile flow. Flushes vary in intensity with Dr. Clark’s being most intense, and it should NOT be done while expecting, nursing or while feeling under the weather.
Epsom Salt: Magnesium sulfate 965 mg.
Other ingredients: Gelatin
Ornithine: L-Ornithine 500 mg.
Other ingredients: Gelatin
Green Black Walnut Hull - Extracts from: Green Black Walnut Hull
Other ingredients: Distilled Water, Vitamin C, and approx 50% organic grain alcohol.
Directions: Choose a day like Saturday for the cleanse, provided you will be able to rest the next day. Take no supplements that you can do without. If you are taking the Para-Cleanse or Kidney Cleanse, stop these programs the day before your cleanse. Eat a no-fat breakfast and lunch, such as cooked cereal, fruit, fruit juice, bread and preserves or honey (no butter or milk).
2:00 PM Do not eat or drink after 2 o'clock. If you break this rule you could feel quite ill later. Get your Epsom salt ready. Mix 4 tablespoons in 3 cups water and pour this into a jar. This makes four servings, 3/4 cup each. Set the jar in the refrigerator to get ice cold (this is for convenience and taste only).
Note: You can skip making the Epsom salt mixture if you are using the capsules.
6:00 PM Drink one serving (3/4 cup) of the ice cold Epsom salts. If you did not prepare this ahead of time, mix 1 tablespoon in 3/4 cup water now. You may add 1/8 teaspoon Vitamin C powder to improve the taste. You may also drink a few mouthfuls of water afterwords or rinse your mouth. Get the olive oil (ozonated, if possible) and grapefruit out to warm up.
Note: If you are using the Epsom salt capsules, take 15 capsules with at least 3/4 cup water in place of the mixture.
8:00 PM Repeat by drinking another 3/4 cup of Epsom salts (or taking another 15 capsules with at least 3/4 cup water). You should not have eaten since 2 o'clock, but you also should not feel hungry. Get your bedtime chores done.
Timing is critical for success
9:45 PM Pour 1/2 cup (measured) olive oil into the pint jar. Add 2 drops HCL to sterilize (optional). Wash grapefruit twice in hot water and dry; squeeze by hand into the measuring cup. remove pulp with fork. You should have at least 1/2 cup, more (up to 3/4 cup) is best. You may use part lemonade. Add this to the olive oil.
Also add Black Walnut Tincture [optional]. Close the jar tightly with the lid and shake hard until watery (only fresh grapefruit juice does this). Now visit the bathroom one or more times, even if it makes you late for your ten o'clock drink. Don't be more than 15 minutes late.
10:00 PM Drink the grapefruit and olive oil mixture (plus optional ingredients if added). Take 4 ornithine capsules with the first sips to help ensure you will sleep through the night. Take 8 if needed. Drinking through a large plastic straw helps it go down easier. you may use oil and vinegar salad dressing, or straight honey to chase it down between sips. Have these ready in a tablespoon on the kitchen counter. Take it all to your bedside if you want, but drink it standing up. Get it down within 5 minutes (fifteen minutes maximum).
Lie down immediately. The sooner you lie down the more efficient the cleanse will be. Be ready for bed ahead of time. Don't clean up the kitchen. As soon as the drink is down walk to your bed and lie down flat on your back with your head up high on the pillow. Try to think about what is happening in the liver. Try to keep perfectly still for at least 20 minutes. You may feel movement along the bile ducts (similar to a feeling of marbles moving) but there should be no pain as the bile duct valves should be open. Go to sleep.
Next morning: Upon awakening, take your third dose of Epsom salts (not before 6:00 AM though). If you have indigestion or nausea wait until it is gone before taking the Epsom salts. You may go back to bed.
2 Hours Later take your fourth (and last) dose of Epsom salts. You may go back to bed again.
After 2 more hours you may eat. Start with fruit juice. Half an hour later eat fruit. One hour later you may start eating regular food, but keep it light. By supper you should feel recovered from your cleanse. How well did you do? Expect diarrhea in the morning. use a flashlight to look for concrements (stone-like appearing particles that float in the toilet bowl). Count them all roughly, regardless of their color (typically tan or green). A good goal is a total of 2,000 concrements (typically requires more than one cleanse). The cleanse may be repeated in as little as two weeks.