Mother's Care Combo
• (1) 4 oz. Gentle Birth
• (1) 2 oz. After-Pain Relief
• (1) 4 oz. Maxi-Milk
Gentle Birth: Childbirth Support
• Midwife Favorite
• Have a more comfortable labor and delivery
• Shorten recovery time
After-Pain Relief: Postpartum and Menstrual Support
• Fast Acting
• Ease cramping and spasms
• Midwife recommended
Maxi-Milk: Lactation Support for nursing moms
• Increase breast milk
• Richer, higher quality milk
• Make nursing more enjoyable
Gentle Birth - Extracts from: Blessed Thistle herb, Red Raspberry leaf, False Unicorn root, Partridge Berry herb, Blue Cohosh root, Ginger root, Skullcap herb, Motherwort herb, Wild Yam root, Bayberry root bark.
Other Ingredients: Vegetable glycerin, distilled water, and approx. 5% - 10% organic grain alcohol.
After-Pain Relief - Extracts from: Cramp bark, Black Haw root, Yarrow leaf & flower, St. John's Wort herb.
Other Ingredients: Vegetable glycerin, distilled water, and approx. 5% - 10% organic grain alcohol.
Maxi-Milk - Extracts From: Blessed Thistle herb, Marshmallow root, Alfalfa leaf, Fennel seed, Skullcap herb, Chaste Tree berry, Stinging Nettle leaf, Anise seed, Peppermint leaf, Red Raspberry leaf, Milk Thistle seed, Lemon Balm leaf.
Other Ingredients: Vegetable glycerin, distilled water, and approx. 5% - 10% organic grain alcohol.
Gentle Birth: Suggested Use: During last 5 weeks of pregnancy: Week 1: 1/4 tsp. in water 2 times a day. Weeks 2-5: 1/4 tsp. in water 3 times a day.
NOTE: If you are taking our Herbal Vita-Mom or any supplements and or teas containing Red Raspberry, we suggest ordering the Gentle Birth without Red Raspberry.
NOTE: If you suffer from High Blood Pressure we suggest ordering Gentle Birth without Blue Cohosh. Both options are available in the Mothers Care Combo.
After-Pain Relief: Suggested Use: 1/4 tsp. in water as needed. Dosage can be repeated every 15 minutes (within reason until relief is obtained).
Maxi-Milk: Suggested Use: Nursing women. 1/4-1/2 tsp. in water. Take 1-4 times a day.