This potent blend of herbal extracts is designed to support learning and mental function naturally. It is very calming and may help maintain optimal blood and oxygen circulation to the brain. With four promising herbs for mental and nervous support, we have formulated a natural way to support normal brain function.
Natural Attention-Aid is especially helpful in supporting you or your child’s ability to focus and concentrate and reducing aggression. Help your child fit into any environment without restlessness, impatience, and anxiety. This formula may also have a positive effect on brain cell communication and development.
This formula is beneficial to adults as well. Those who need help concentrating and focusing at work without taking the color out of life may want to give this formula a try. This carefully made beautiful golden extract is a simple but potent remedy.
Calcium deficiency is thought to contribute to attention problems - making a well-absorbed calcium supplement very important daily.

American Ginseng:
Ginseng is classified as an adaptogen because some studies suggest it may help the body to adapt to stress. An adaptogen is a non-toxic substance that increases the body’s resistance to adverse physical, chemical, and biological factors.

Ginkgo Biloba leaf:
Ginkgo has demonstrated a remarkable ability to improve peripheral circulation. With this comes increased energy and better concentration.

Gotu Kola herb:
This herb is most widely used as a nerve tonic and for all ailments of the mind and nerves. Pairing it with Ginseng, as we do in Natural Attention-Aid, is one of the most common herbal practices for supporting the nerves.

Valerian root:
Valerian is believed to increase the amount of a chemical called gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. GABA helps regulate nerve cells and has a calming effect on anxiety.
1/4 tsp
1/8 tsp
Shake well. Take 1-4 times daily, or as needed. (1 dropperful = 1/8 tsp)
TIP: For children under 6, Herbal Calcium can be used to encourage calmer behavior. For older children, Herbal Calcium can be taken with Natural Attention-Aid when additional support is needed.
We suggest starting children with one dose per day for the first week and increasing only if more is needed (up to 4 doses per day). Use with caution if you are taking prescription anticonvulsive, anti-platelet and/or anticoagulant drugs (e.g. aspirin and warfarin). Discontinue use 7 days before any surgery.
Use with caution while nursing. Not suggested for expecting women or children under 6.