The liver is the second largest organ after the skin and comprises about 2.5% of the body’s weight. It is responsible for most of our energy needs, taking raw material-form foods and breaking them down into basic components used to create and store glycogen, which is used as immediate and future energy sources.
The liver also filters and processes our blood, regulates blood composition, removes toxins from the blood, and makes blood clotting proteins. On top of all of that, the liver has the amazing ability to regenerate itself, even after two-thirds of the organ has been removed!
You may notice feeling sluggish, less motivated, mood changes, skin changes, and bad breath as symptoms your liver could use some extra support. Give your liver a lift with these carefully selected, liver-friendly herbs that gently cleanse, stimulate, nourish and protect this vital organ.
For nursing or expecting moms, try our Mom's LiverGlow.

Dandelion root:
The root of this flower has been associated with many of the Dandelion benefits, including the support of a healthy liver, healthy cholesterol levels, and bone health.

Fresh Ginger root:
Higher levels of the active ingredient gingerol, which has potent anti-inflammatory benefits and digestive benefits.

Grape seed:
Rich in antioxidants, including phenolic acids, anthocyanins, flavonoids, and Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin Complexes (OPCs). All of these antioxidants can help to support healthy cells, a healthy inflammatory response, and keep body tissues healthy.

Alfalfa leaf:
High in vitamin K and also contain many other nutrients, including vitamin C, copper, manganese, and folate. This herb is traditionally used to benefit metabolic health, support menopause symptoms, and provide antioxidant effects.

Blessed Thistle herb:
Contain bitter compounds that support the production of both saliva and gastric acid, which both aid digestion.

Milk Thistle seed:
The active ingredient in Milk Thistle is called silymarin, with acts as an antioxidant. It may promote a detoxifying effect, which is why Milk Thistle may be beneficial for liver health. Additionally, Milk Thistle also helps to maintain normal kidney function and promotes optimal immune function.

Gentian root & Quassia bark:
Some of the most bitter of the bitter digestive tonics. They tone the digestive tract while increasing the production of digestive fluids and bile needed for an optimal cleanse and may help to support nutrient absorption. They also provide support for the liver and gallbladder and have antioxidant benefits to support healthy cells.

Oregon Grape root:
Has traditionally been used for its digestive stimulant properties, antimicrobial benefits, immune-boosting, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Yellow Dock root:
High in iron, Yellow Dock root provides many health benefits such as digestive support, liver health, cleansing properties, and energy support.

Oatstraw herb:
High in iron, manganese, and zinc. It’s believed to offer numerous health benefits, such as inflammatory support and healthy brain function, and mood support.
1/8 tsp.
1/4 tsp.
Shake well. Take 1-3 times daily 30 minutes before meals. (1 dropperful = 1/8 tsp)
Tip: To enhance results, combine this product with Blues Buster, Liver Decongestant, Garlic Caps, and/or Co-Enzyme 10 (CoQ10).